Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Praise!

21) Host Mum's who love to chat
22) Silence
23) Books
24) Jesus as Bridegroom
25) Love that never fades
26) Jesus Culture
27) Time
28) Clean Sheets
29) New Supports for my mission
30) Students

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Prayer and Beauty

I pray everyday, not to boast I think its something God has placed in my DNA and I think everyone does in some way or form.

I pray for the day, my students, my team, family friends and for Gods glory to be shun from me and seen by me in what I do and what I see other do to please Our Father.

This week I could not imagine what God would do with my prayers, our prayers, towards our ministry and the students we interact with.

We were so blessed to have spiritual leaders that are over us and apart of our team to really bring forth a great ideas. Our current one is 24hrs prayer for our students before our big student weekend.  Every church puts on a student weekend at one point, especially when they have more then 2 students in there youth group but our hope is to see our students lives changed from ok, to I want more of Him.  Our youth group is at the budding stages, we have many students coming but not many participating our even real engaging with the Word or others. I have seen over the past couple of months our students jump at the chance to serve, its in there hearts to give and create compassion but our students like many have battles to fight, chains to break from and demons to slay.

We have stepped out in our calling to pray for our students for 24 days, 24 hours a day and its getting me, the team, the body excited. I can't wait to see what God has in store for our students.

As well as working with our youth group, Pais Project is all about bridging the gap between the local Church and the school reaching students who might not even have or receive an opportunity to come to church or connect with other believers . We work in a local school as volunteers helping in many different capacity: office aids, Lunch room supervisors, teachers aids etc..

We have been blessed to work with the special needs department and even prayed for the director of the department. Our relationship with the special needs teachers and aids have allowed us this week to bless the special needs girls in particular  with Manicures. They loved it many girls could pick from a variety of colours and although it was hard for many of them to stay still, did so with a look of great easy.

It was a true experience, while I was painting the nails of a few girls I stroke up a few conversations with Melissa, Christine, Stella as they looked at me with expression of happiness in those precious moments. I new and could see Gods beauty in these girls faces and as I casual started to sing praises of over them and there cute faces. I knew that for many of the girls , they had not heard that they were beautiful and I knew it with an urge from my spirit to just speak words of life and encourage over them.  God Presences was never void in the school or in the special needs class room it was just unrecognized and for the time we were in there I was able to see that as clear as day.

We were able to then assist our Seniors in Peer-Mediation (students guiding students to resolve conflict)...We were seeking serves opportunities and the head counselor brought this to our attention, none of the teachers wanted to give up there free periods (where they deal with admin etc..) and we stepped forward with smiles on our faces and a hunger to serve the students aid the student body.

HOW EXCITING IS THAT WE GET TO ADVISE, ASSIT, GUIDE STUDENTS IN MEDIATION AND THUS MENTORING SENIORS ON HOW TO DEAL WITH CONFLICT FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE!!! can you imagine how many students are going to be effected by this program, how we can use Gods word to director them in pouring wisdom into students lives, there own lives. God word does not return void and that is a promise,. Its so Crazy amazing at how and what God at work in..

We even started to see this opportunity open up more, when one of the senior mediators opened up about his past and family, friends. We have  students who want us to be hard and desire some true good input and  advise, its really blows me away at what we are able to do and how we can impact the seniors.
and that was just this week, what will happen for the rest of the semester. I think God is wanting to amaze, shock His children more and more.

I pray all the time its something I do naturally, I think God put it in my DNA but now I pray not only for the things I have always prayed for but things like ceasing God arisen opportunities, to see and appreciate His Beauty and to never forget where it all starts and begins with Him.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Road-trip are awesome , if you plan it right some amazing things can happen but with all things, there often a few disasters on the way. This time on my little adventure there weren't any disasters as such just mishaps like forgetting a mobile phone, getting lost or packing a luggage way to big for a hatchback car. These little hiccups, were bumps in the road but all in all they made the road trip lovely.

A couple of friends and I decided we need to get out of town and have a little fun and so with a email or two to a local church we scoured a host home for us cash strapped missionaries and headed towards Kanasa our aim the onething Conference by International house of prayer aka IHOP. The conference is based around prayer and aimed for young adults but all are welcome. My friends and I all listen to the live prayer sessions they streams all year round, we all have a heart for intercession. We were just set and excited to go.

I can not tell you how excited and amazed I was at first how my heart sung, seeing all these people who were all about more then onething: Jesus returning, Prayer, People being saved and healed. It blew me away and placed wind in my sails...people were encouraging and there were times for people to pray over each other and the speakers spoke about His love for us and what we need to do to share it and much more but what struck me most was the amazing passion for Jesus as BRIDEGROOM.

I had heard it mentioned, but I had never heard it quite the same way. its not about him being are lovers, boyfriends chum but looking at Jesus as the bridegroom and us as the Bride (church), how he love us, how we should be in a state of yearning for Him. It was new different, good and very real to me.  His our Bridegroom, Our Judge , Our King and that was just more then words to me, it was His character explained in a fresh way to me.

I am thankful for road-trips it gives us time to talk with people, unpack some stuff you felt or learnt on your adventure, it was great because everyday on the way back to the host home we were able to talk and unpack some stuff and it was just another great thing about fellowship, the week flew by and I found myself being in awe of God and wanting to pray and praise him, I would find myself in the 24 hr prayer room seeking God and being filled by Him, through those times I heard God speak about not allowing my feeling or my circumstance dictate to me who I am and the things He says I am. Its the things he has always said that I never spent time to stop and listen to hear.... whilst we brought in the new year at the conference, I knew this was not the end of what God wanted to show me about Himself as the Bridegroom, King, Judge.

So what is God telling you about His character, I would say my friends, ask Him and when he answer commit to really looking deep into his heart, with His word, prayer time with Him.