Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I am starting to realize how much God is a teacher and how he loves his children to be leaners as well as doers of the word.

We are set a task by our Hub Leader to Preach on a topic for five minutes, we are meant to do two things proclaim the word Kerusso and Unpack the word Didasko.  I have had a lot to say, since I could speak many would call me opinionated and I would agree but preaching is such a new element of God to me, we have to be close with God, enough to hear what he wants us to say to His People.

In the mist of this, I hear God again tell me this is what I have made you to do at this appointed time to understand my truth to chase after it, live confidently in it and proclaim this to my children and as you do that , you will see more of me, then you could have imagined. How amazing is that God calls us to Himself so that He may use us to be his portals of Grace, Mercy, Glory...this was just a mere training exercise but the more I prep and get ready for my turn in preaching, I see that this is another mountain,  I must learn to master for the mission field I am in.

I wonder How many more things has God in store for us to learn, and then teach others.  Is it not a great adventure, that we should all take a part in?

Just another thought, thats all...

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