Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Team- Pais Arlington Central

Hi Lovely saints, Friends, family.

We have had such an incredible journey these past few weeks. We have lead a lesson on Goals at a local JRH:
 We have lead FCA: nine students gave there lives to Christ: Praise God !!!
 Prayer at the Pole

 Lead FCA Games at Local Jrh
 Supported Students at there games
 Served with students and built relationships
 All with my lovely team
 and also invited and challenged our students at youth group come along side us and serve the community.

You did this all, through your prayer and support, through your encouragement. Thank you!!!!
And my team, what an amazing group of people who want to serve and show God Kingdom to the 1,000's of kids we have met this past month.

We have taught lesson, we have handed out flyers, we have prayed with our student, served with them and minster to them and to see my team connect with students like Sarah who was invited by the team to youth group and showed up and enjoyed hearing the gospel or Tray who is a student at the local Jrh who came to youth group and really just jumped in with the other students... All of these things great or small are apart of the journey you are taking with our Father and with me....

We have come against some tricky obstacles but God has found a way FCA at local high school. No kids were expected to come but we went out to the hall ways and invited them in, 20 students came 15 stayed and 9 got saved, who knows what God has in store for all the students that did show up but our God made it possible to allow all of these amazing things to occur at the right time. Praise God that we are living our lives as He would have it

 "May His Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven"

This was just a quick picture update, please keep me and the team in prayer, another up date is always round the corner... Don't forget, I want to hear about your lives, I love hearing update on my friends and family and remember Prayer request are always welcome....

Peace and Grace

Please pass this blog on, the more the merrier

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