this week was my birthday week, we have a tradition in my family. We have a week of good food and fun and often loads of giggles. Since being in the states it hasn't been like that for me but I have had fun.
I received an amazing neckless from my one of my closets friends: it had my favourite shape : star and a sister charm but also a Envelope charm . It gets even cooler. You could actually open the envelope charm and put small notes inside. My friend left me a sweet note and I have worn the neckless since last sunday.
Well on Tuesday I felt God dropped on my heart to remove my sweet note from my friend and replace it with the gospel, because someone would ask what it was on what was in it and so I did , in expectance and excitement... this could be so cool I thought.
I went to lunch and no one asked me and I thought ok God when will I be able to share the gospel and how, the day is over but maybe tomorrow. So I went about my day and went to meet my student , who so happen to bring a friend.... Well I was excited to share somethings that my student and I were going through but soon realised that the girl my student had brought was engaged but never heard the topic of honouring Principles and the rules of things aka the things we are told in the Bible..
Soo after I finished our mentoring, explaining as much as i could and asked her to pray about what she heard, "I don't know how to pray she said and I know what God is but I am not close to him , how do you do that and yeah what is that on your neck " YIPPEEEEE!!! praise the Lord. I proceed to tell her the gospel in the middle of Starbucks and after that she accepted Christ into her life.
Did I use fancy words and made a perfect speech and explain in and out of being a Christ follower. I just asked if she wanted to know who Christ was for herself, if she wanted to make room to allow Christ to do His thing in her life and follow him, once she started to search more and be taught more about Him. She said yes!!
Our God is great , he can use anything, if your willing and man did he do something ... I am going to meet with the student this tuesday and I am excited to share with her more about the word of God....
Please keep us in your prayers
REMEMBER God can use anything to speak to people, make space and room for Him to use you...most likely you will do a much better Job then this awkward, babbling girl from London
Much Blessing and Peace
Please if you know anyone who would like to read my blog or interested in being on my mail list, prayer team or a financially sponsors me please send me your email below
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