Thursday, December 19, 2013

What Now ?

I wasn't sure, I knew things were changing whether I liked it or not and I knew that wherever I went God had to be leading me there because In my mind Missions was it....

A chapter in my life ended when I left Pais, My life didn't end. It felt like that for a while and at one point oh so very real. And then like that I woke up and felt a little bit more like me again, more like a person I use to be, more like a person who enjoyed blogging and telling stories about my life, more like a person who wants to continue Living A life To Serve and all the mess stuff in between like the mistakes, the failures and the success'.... So here I am  blog world- take a look at my life and hopeful you will learn something maybe even avoid some stuff and while your reading have a laugh, get the fact that this girl Love Jesus but like so many before needs Him so desperately that to not have him would be more a a disaster then an scary movie. 

So What Now ?   

I am living in London with my lovely but strange family and I am trying to figure out what jobs to apply for and not quite sure what next ? 

What Now ? 

Well I took a few months from serving anywhere, I found a local church and started attending community group which is actually called Gospel Community that serve a local estate in Camden and I am very blessed that God would lead me to such a church and such passionate sweet people :) 

What Now ? 
London is a different beast no more Howdy's or Hi y'all, smiles from strangers and tons of invites from people who barely know you to a big BBQ Dinner that very evening. I do adore  my city and I am starting to see the why its so amazing but I also find it quite difficult to reach out, serve a people who are cold or unyielding to help offered. Its gotten me in trouble but thats the price you pay when you want to be a light in a world that is dark, wherever I am God has placed me here, all I can do is be faithful with what his given me and try always to live out what He is currently teaching me ....

So what Now ? An amazing plan that God has had in store for all His Children that want to do His will ... 

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